Today millions of people are celebrating their fathers. Some have no father. And some have bad fathers.
I have not written to my dad in over a year. But I decided to send him a farewell letter. I never expect to communicate with him again unless he sends me some sort of reasonable communication. Something from himself, not from Jesus or God telling me to repent.
How I Feel Towards My Father
It is rather difficult to sort my feelings. And if I say anything positive I have the entire world ready to hound me for supporting a pedophile. Which I don’t.
I don’t have any anger towards my dad. I have spent a lot of time trying to get inside his mind and understand what his intentions were, why he made so many detrimental decisions, and why he gladly caused so much pain.
And after all that thinking, I actually feel quite sorry for him. Not because of prison. Not because he has had it hard. But because I can see that he was a prisoner to his own mind. And he could not escape that.
Sorry Dad, Your Out
Just as dad sacrificed me and pushed me away for his supposed religion, for his loyalty to God, so do I fully let go of him as my dad.
I have no desire to ever see him free.
When dad judged men, including me, he would say, “We have to put principles first.”
And in return, I must also do the same.
I would gladly go visit my dad in prison if allowed. Just out of curiosity and to meet him again.
Is This A Gift?
Yes, this is a gift to my dad. After dad pushed me away, pushed all his family and people away, and then proceeded to call us back and forth like pawns, this is an absolute privilege for dad to get a letter from me.
Just as I once thought it a privilege to hear from him, I now equally consider it a privilege for him to hear from me.
Once dad made those rules. Now I make them.
But I am forever indebted to my father for life and my early care. And for that I thank him.
Dear Father,
It has been a long while since I last wrote to you. Thank you for life and the care you once gave me. For that I will forever be grateful and indebted to you.
Much has changed in my life and I have gone through a serious awakening.
Be it from God or the Devil, you can decide. But to me it was from reality. You had twisted our existence too far into a fantasy. And reality came knocking. But it didn’t just knock. It broke the door down.
The door of religion and sanity. The door of my very existence.
It stole my foundation. The one you built under me. I was left in the air and had but little to grasp onto.
And when I tried grasping onto you, you pushed me away. Nothing was ever so painful. Never have I exerted myself harder to find a glimpse of light. To find some good reason to take a step forward.
But I did. And step by step I rebuilt my foundation. I built it with one little block of reality after another. Until I got up to where the air was clear. After awhile I could see a little. And now my view is beyond beautiful.
Reality is o so sweet. It is more pure than the drops of dew in paradise. Far surpassing the visions of godhood. More beautiful to behold than any virgin. Reality. Brutal reality. It tastes like water from the purest spring and quenched my never ceasing thirst. It soothes my spirit to an indescribable peace.
O reality, may I ever be with you! Godhood, with all it’s glory is no comparison to the greatness of reality. Few people can ever understand the beauty and absolute sweetness of hard core, mean, brutal reality. The Gods themselves are in awe of it.
No longer do I bask in the vision of religion. Instead I have joined with the brutal force of reality and with it may I ever stay.
It would be a pleasure to speak with you if you ever again attain to the great wisdom and unmistakable glory of reality.
Your exertion is beautiful. But reality far more.
This is my final farewell. Until death meets us, may we ever strive to maintain our hold on that iron rod of reality.
Your son,
Jaden Jeffs (Once Nephi)
Thank you for reading! You would also enjoy this article titled: Inside the Fascinating Mind Of Warren Jeffs
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