In a shocking event on July 13, the nation watched as Donald Trump was struck in the ear by a bullet. Death was less than an inch away. Trump turned his head in perfect timing as that bullet struck his right ear. No head turn and he would be dead.
What are the chances? How divine is this? Did God turn Trumps head? By what miraculous power did Donald Trump survive? Everyone will come to their own conclusions. But I want to make some observations.
The Power Of God
In such moments, we feel God, or you could say an unusually strong power, an amazement at the occurrence. Even an atheist would feel to praise God in the moment and be shocked by his good fortune.
Every American that watched this had chills run down their back as they watched the video, waiting to see Trump stand back up.
This was not an old story of George Washington narrowly escaping poisoning or Ronald Reagan surviving. This was live and happening right before us.
Was it God that saved Trumps life? Or was it good fortune? Did luck have a hand?
What Has Trump Done To Deserve This From God?
Many people would argue that Donald Trump is a morally flawed man. After all, he has had sex with plenty of women. He often fights back instead of turning the other cheek.
Religious leaders say that God is preserving Trump for Gods own purposes. Forget that he is flawed. Forget all the easily judged wrongs of Donald. Is God preserving Trump as his way of saving America?
I look at this a little different. If you ask me, this was a higher power that preserved Trump. But I think we often misunderstand that power. We assume it makes judgments on us according to our moral lens.
This higher power is not simply what swoops in and preserves Trump in a moment like this. It is also the power that makes the little things happen in your life. From coincidences to hard earned successes.
This Is What Donald Trump Did To Be Saved
The truth is, God was within Trump, around Trump. That might sound ridiculous, but let me explain.
You may have gotten tired of hearing trumps repeated campaign message. Not that you disagree with it, you just want to focus on something else.
But Trump never got tired of it.
Way before Trump started his campaign, he had a deep love for America within. It was not just an outward saying. It was a feeling within.
Then Trump fought every possible attack that came his way and there was hundreds.
A video of Trump saying “Grab her by the p***y” came out. And Trump continued to pound into everyone and yell from the housetops his love for America.
I want you to notice that Trumps mind always stayed focused on his goal. He probably spent a little time worried. But mostly he thought of his goal being fulfilled.
Some call this the law of attraction. But look at how much exertion this took on Trumps part.
Trump has been through more than almost anyone in the world since he ran for president. But within him the love for America, the vision and power of America has always increased. That power has spread into millions of his fellow Americans. Not simply because he thought it once. That man lived it every day, he felt it, he worked like hell for it.
This power is not simply an idea. It is a real energy.
And because he showed he wanted it bad enough, that power that he spread is stronger than the power against it.
That same power preserved Donald Trump because he has done everything single thing he possibly could to win.
Fighting Actual Evil
Many people believe that Trump is fighting the literal devil.
The people in power, the “deep state”, the end of the world demons.
So what have these people done right to gain so much power?
In Robert Greens book the 48 laws of power he writes, “Anything given to you is a hindrance, and will be to your detriment.”
If a person does not have to earn power or money, they wield it in a neutral or negative way. Because it is impossible for them to understand the exertion required to gain that.
This is in part who Trump is fighting. But he is also fighting people who know what it takes to win. They will kill you to keep power. They too have the ability to rally that greater power.
But because they don’t have the exertion, they don’t have the ability to spread that energy. It has to be alive in a person in order to spread. They don’t have the experience doing it in their personal lives. At least the current people running
Bidens campaign. Obama had that energy. Even if you disagree with him politically and morally.
Trump may have had a rich father. But you will see that he was not satisfied. He lived on the edge of possibility until he achieved his dreams. He may not recognize that as a spiritual power, but he never became satisfied. And that exertion and energy has gone into everything he does.
How Does This Principle Affect You?
If you really want something, don’t dwell too much on what will stop you. Instead focus constantly on how to achieve it.
As you overcome little hurdles, you will feel more of this energy within you, flowing out into the world. That will give you encouragement to take on bigger hurdles. The bigger the road blocks that you overcome, the more of that energy you will feel.
And the more “coincidences” you will have to overcome your problems. You may even have “supernatural” experiences as that energy will give you enough encouragement and success to overcome the problems you face. After awhile success will seem like it happened overnight. But the truth is, every day that energy was compounding until success was inevitable.
Donald Trump was not simply preserved by God. He earned it through fighting every day for what he believed in. He focused on success and when death faced him, he was already in a position for God to save him.
If you want to be helped in miraculous ways, do everything you can and then some. Focus all you can on your goal. Then you will see miracles in your life too. Always believe you will succeed and live. Never let a negative feeling push you down to where you “feel a foreboding”. If you feel that, exert yourself like never before until you feel it go away and you know you will succeed. Never just accept a foreboding feeling. It may tell you there is danger, but do what it takes to get out of harms way and succeed.
If you have a moral compass that makes you feel certain acts are wrong, recognize that the feelings you are having are taking away from the positive momentum. In other words, you will either have to live by that moral compass or rewire your mind to see it differently. Because otherwise that power you feel and emanate into the world cannot be with you when you feel you are doing wrong.
Don’t deliberately harm others. That don’t mean you cannot defend yourself. Karma is real, the negative and positive energy have to stay balanced.
Shout out to Donald Trump! He has been one of my favorite men to draw inspiration from.
Thanks to the books “Outwitting The Devil” and “The Secret” for more understanding on this. As well as my own experiences with it.
I do not claim to fully understand this. But I am happy to hear it questioned and would love to hear your personal experiences with the spiritual world!
Thank you for reading! You would also enjoy this article titled: Success Is Our Only Option!
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2 responses to “Trump Assassination Attempt: Preserved By God Or Was It Luck?”
Very interesting read Jaden! Well done!
Thank you!!
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