Sex, Religion, And Justification: The Prophet And Polygamy

Religion and sex. These two things are tied together in a web of morality and cannot be pulled apart. I think we can safely say that a portion of the definition of religion is the regulation of sex and sexual desires.

We all have a dark side. And the less you have investigated your dark side, the side of you that LOVES sex, the more it keeps you from your potential, causes depression and anxieties, and secretly RULES you.

“The Christian resolve to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.”-Friedrich Nietzsche

‘O, you don’t understand Christianity!’ Okay, and you understand very little beyond the vail of religion. This may sound confrontational. But my goal in this article is to make you think beyond the confines of your so firmly established axioms.

I am not saying I do not agree with Christianity. What I am saying is exploring beyond religion is a dark and treacherous adventure, one that few people can explore.

Not alone because of it’s ungraspable nature, but because the foundations of our beliefs have to be reconsidered to an unfathomable extent. So much that most of the atheists arguments are completely wound up in the moral guidance of our unseen religious assumptions and axioms.

Justification Of Sex

Men and women will have sex, but the justifications and reasons vary from religion and culture.

An atheist has the easiest justification. “We came from monkeys and we like to fuck.” Well okay I like the honest opinion.

People that preach the hardest about “moral purity” are the most likely to justify an inappropriate sexual relationship through the justification of religion.

Here is my point: Sex comes first, then the justification.

On a societal level, the religious sex scandal seems extremely illogic and will cause the biggest stir. Because of it’s apparent contradictory nature.

You know, the all too common story of the pastor having an affair?

But from a human nature perspective, a religious setting is where that is the most likely to happen.


Random guy: “Those early mormons just wanted a ton of sex!”

Mormon: “It was a law of God and you have impure thoughts and don’t see it right! You don’t understand how pure these men were in their intentions. The wars! There wasn’t enough men. Sealing had to happen.”

Joseph Smith was not your ordinary guy. He most likely felt completely obligated to do this.

I’m going to bring in a few ideas here. That does not mean they are correct.

Joseph Smith was a very polarizing figure, a characteristic of any power player. Suppose within him from a very young age is a deep connection with the spiritual.

Let’s assume there was a part of Joseph’s inner feelings that hated polygamy. And built in his DNA, like all of us, is a sexual desire.

And he is a deeply spiritual person with a powerful religious philosophy.

I can see this happening very naturally within such a spiritually connected person.

Contrary to most modern Mormon beliefs, this was not done for war or any such excuse. This was done because Joseph considered it a law of God.

Now take what I said before: Sex comes first, then the justification.

That is going to be repulsive to believers in Joseph Smith. But you know who else it would be repulsive to? Joseph Smith.

But that is my point: Religion is not just a force of justification, it becomes higher and more important than anything to the believer.

To Joseph, God came first, the spiritual came first, the loyalty came first. It was the same for Mohammad. The same for Warren Jeffs. And the same for almost any controversial religious leader.

So God comes first, then sex in a way that fits in with every one of these people’s religion? No. Sex comes first. There is always a justification.

You Don’t Need Others Approval, You Need Your Own

The history is full of stories about Joseph Smith bringing about polygamy, knowing many would reject it and turn against him. Even kinda lying about it at times. You can read it in his own history that was written by himself.

But that is not my concern. Nor do I need to have squabbles with you about that. It all makes sense why he did what he did.

My concern is this: Joseph Smith never touched polygamy until it was justified in his own mind.

Warren Jeffs did not take underage girls to wife until it was justified in his mind.

Justified through their religious beliefs and spiritual feelings.

Joseph Smith was perfectly sincere about it. And he believed it with all his heart.

Very few revolutionary religious leaders are politicians, lying and then laughing in the closet.

They need justification for themselves first. After that, everything is on the table. It is Gods work and anything is okay for God.

Reach Perfection, And Human Nature Will Consume You

Human nature will have it’s say. Fight it and it will also have it’s say. Like a wicked morning glory, it will come back time and time again.

So consistently persistent is it, your years of consistency are no match for it’s binding power and invincibility.

Refuse to acknowledge it’s power and you are doomed to be overtaken by it.

Those who assume they have reached perfection, a state above the vile tendencies of the flesh, are in the most danger.

Joseph Smith reached a high level of perfection. Many people would not believe this but Warren Jeffs did too. A high level of discipline of the body and mind.

They assumed they were above it, and it was their downfall.

Life hack: Never, no matter what perfection you attain, assume you have conquered your human nature.

It will dig it’s way up through, trench into your morality, and break it apart, leaving you doomed to it’s brutal reign.

Joseph Smith VS Warren Jeffs

People don’t like me comparing Joseph Smith with Warren Jeffs.

So why do I do it? I could write a whole article about this, but let me give you some basics for the purpose of this article.

Joseph Smith was deeply spiritual with a mind that loved theology, and a spirit that continually lifted him up in it, giving him more and more confidence and clarity.

Many men have studied Joseph Smith, but no man strove harder to apply his teachings than did Warren Jeffs. And believe me, it worked.

Every other religious factions leader has no where near the mental exertion put into following the spiritual and physical teachings of Joseph Smith than Warren Jeffs. And that most certainly includes the leaders of the Mormon Church.

I am ready to defend this argument. So counter it. It is not about being right. It is about seeking the truth.

That is my opinion.

If you want me to write more on that let me know!

The Mormon Church And Polygamy Today

The Mormon Church, Or “The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints” as they like to be called over “Mormon” is not willing to completely face the truth.

I believe the church has a lot of good. However, let me tell you a few things I really dislike about the whole church polygamy ordeal.

Starting with the ‘Mormon’ word. They want to get the conversation away from Joseph Smith. And Jesus Christ really helps with that.

Next, there has definitely been a lie taught by the church about polygamy and war. This has to be the case because I have had 5 missionaries, and around 15 members of the church tell me this when I asked about polygamy.

At first I would almost start laughing. Then after a few more times I said wow they must really teach this.

To me that is just a straight solid lie. Polygamy had absolutely nothing to do with war. Just because there was a couple polygamous women who’s husbands were killed, that has nothing to do with why it was done.

It might seem insignificant, but to me it really is a straight lie and just really disturbs me.

Tell me this, and I want you to do your research really well: How many public relation studies has the church funded and then made decisions from?

And then afterwards the President gets a “revelation.”

Nice business decisions though. Don’t doubt the prophet either. I’ve tried that!

All that said, I am sure there is much good in the church. I like the Mormons, and yes I will call them Mormons.

Did you know Joseph Smith embraced the word Mormon and said it means “more good”? I wonder if President Nelson even knows about that.


While religious leaders assume religion comes first, and the rest of their lives are guided from it, history tells us something fundamental: sex comes first, there is always a justification.

When a person assumes they have reached some kind of “perfection,” that is usually the turning point for their downfall.

Just because a religious leader is extremely sincere and devout, that doesn’t mean they are not making religious decisions to justify a carnal desire. And chances are they don’t see that either.

The church today does not like it’s past, and wants to shift the conversation away from the hard facts.

Many mormon religious scholars that study polygamy only can see the pure intentions of Joseph Smith, and fail to recognize that it is possible human nature played a role in the soul wrenching story of mormon polygamy. Even if Joseph did not recognize that himself. I made an argument that the best way to deceive others is to deceive yourself. You can read that here.

The spiritual, even if perfected, is not free from the influence of human nature.

If we don’t acknowledge our human nature, we will find ourselves making crazy justification for why we do what we do.

Thank you for reading! You would also enjoy this article titled: Here Is The Truth About Polygamy(Major Trigger Warning)

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