
Five Keys To Becoming A Great Cult Leader

Are you on a mission to become an awesome cult leader? Hopefully not, except we do need some exciting stories in our future! If you are, send me an email, perhaps we could do it together! Okay I’m joking about that though. Lets dive in and look at five ways to become an exceptional cult leader.


People are not going to line up for your bullshit if it looks like shit. You need charisma.

Sound a bit deceitful? Ah, your morality is not well suited in this business. In that case, you would make a better cult follower.

Do you lack charisma? Don’t worry my friend, you too can acquire charisma. People born with it do not well understand its power and influence; they often take it fore-granted and with the ease they attain success, they have no motivation, anger, or reason to become something more.

If you lack charisma, that is a sign you can be successful. Aquire it through reading, watching, listening, and most importantly practice.

Carry a light countenance. Never seem hungry for power. Instead let your charisma give others reason to want you in power. Take on power in humility, only as a faithful servant.

Charisma is joyful. Always walk with a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye. Aquire that sparkle through your own diligence within your soul. Yes it requires effort. This isn’t for the thoughtless.

Believe in your cause 1000%

If I genuinely believe in a mission, you can feel it.

Do not underestimate the power of feeling. As a cult leader, the way you make people feel is the most important thing. Genuineness. Be very genuine.

The slightest hint that you are not fully sincere will make people doubt you from the start.

To truly give others that feeling, you must feel it yourself.

Great danger lies in this. Because you will most likely come to believe it yourself if you feel it. Be very careful.

You may assume you can simply lie to someone. I have bad news.

It is one thing to merely lie about something.

To start a cult, there needs to be a more powerful feeling. You cannot do that without feeling it yourself.

Deceiving over a short period of time is one thing. Long term? You will inevitably show doubt about your cause, or you must believe in it fully.

When your followers feel that, they will sign up. Remember, it is all about how you make people feel.

Choosing Your Victims

There are inevitably people who will not choose your cause, even fight it.

Do not worry, they can become great assets. No cause without an enemy is worth fighting for.

Instead, let those people alone. Do not make great enemies, especially in the beginning.

Choose people who are already somewhat aligned with your cause. Find people who are vulnerable, lonely, or looking for a reason to live. People who are tired and ready for a change.

Humans to want to be apart of a higher group. “We are better.” Even if people avoid saying it, they feel it without even thinking about it. Understand that it is not so much what people think. It is all how they feel. Give them the right feeling, you will inevitably find all the reason and logic you need.

You will be surprised. Some of the coolest people, most independent and free thinkers will join your cause. Praise them. But never without a vision of where you are going and how they can improve under your guidance.

Mission Always Comes First

As leader of your cult, you never come first.

Instead, let your mission always be the reason for everything.

This is why so many cults are founded on religion. What greater mission than obeying God?

In this modern world of doubt in God, there are other things to make a cult around.

But let the mission come first.

People are smart. Don’t put too much focus on yourself. Instead, let the success of the mission and the feeling you give your followers take you from the average person to their savor.

Let them feel your mission. Always.

Seduction: Draw Your Victims In With A Spiritual Lure

Seduction is not merely men and women trying to lure the other in for sexual reasons.

Instead, seduction can give you the ultimate power over groups, religions, and nations.

When I say “spiritual lure” you might be assuming that means some religious prayer. O no.

There is emotions of people. And then there is a spiritual feeling to everything they do. Some people call it demons, angels, or a powerful feeling.

Look, in everything you do there is some spiritual lure. Let me explain.

Start with getting someones emotion. Or for men, often by talking about a cause or activity they enjoy or feel deeply about.

While in that state of emotion, people are extremely vulnerable to a spiritual feeling. If you can provide that through words, and more especially through that feeling being extremely powerful in you, it will go to them and they will feel a feeling that will capture them.

They will long for that feeling and do many things to feel it again. Think of it as energy. It is when people are at high emotion, and then an extra dose of that same enery comes to them, they have a spiritual experience.

Even if you are talking about hunting, fishing, or anything this is possible. People do not recognize this as a spiritual experience unless they are talking religion.

Can You Create A Cult Today?

Do not assume we live in a greatly enlightened age where cults are impossible. O no. Rather, never was there a time people are more ready to join a cause.

I see cults from the smallest degree to the greatest degree all around me. I am very amused by them and it gives me such a great deal to think about that it sometimes overwhelms me.

People want to be seduced. They want noticed. They want to find a greater cause.

Some of the most insane, stupid, religious and non religious cults are going on today. It is easily within your reach to start a cult.


Be charismatic, but only in a genuine way. Carry yourself without open pride, but always confident in your mission.

Believe in your mission 1000% in order to help others feel it and join.

Seduce your followers through giving them a dose of spiritual energy when they are at the height of their emotions.

Praise your followers, but often with an admonition of improvement and the heights they can achieve by following your lead.

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