Hey! My name is Jaden Jeffs. Determined to define my future, and grateful for the lessons I have learned in the past, I am on life’s adventures with you. I was born in Sandy, Utah and grew up in Texas, South Dakota, and Colorado.

My mission is to ask the questions that will help us get a better understanding of religion, our mission in life, and other topics I enjoy. If I can help just one person, then it was worth it! I have so much to learn and so many people like you to learn from.

From early childhood I was taught I was one of Gods chosen and that everyone outside our group was evil. Now I know that God has chosen each of you as much as myself and I had to learn that the hard way!

Being born into a cult, and my dad was the leader, is rather exciting. I feel both really happy and really sad when I look back on childhood. Sad because not only myself, but everyone around me was bottled up. We were not fulfilling our true potential. And happy because I had the strongest desire to live my full truth, and that is what matters in both you and me. If you want something bad enough, you will get it!

Now I am forging my own journey. I have tasted the joy life can be when we live to our full potential. This blog/newsletter is to ask questions and share what I am learning.

You can read more about my early childhood in the following the articles:

I write about my life and journey

Without a free mind, you aren’t free!

Struggle and hardship are the only things that helped me unfuck my brain. Without difficult experience, we can’t grow!


I write about my early childhood, there was good and bad. We worked like mad!

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Bound by my own mind

My most difficult experiences in the FLDS, and the troubles that pushed me to leave.

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I tell other stories and experiences I had when growing up, both in and out of the flds.

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Finding A New Life

This is where I will keep you updated on my journey and religious beliefs!

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