The Truth About Depression And Therapists

Depression is the cause of suicide, overdoses, and a bunch of people frowning big as you walk into the grocery store. From a depressed persons mind the world is dark and embittering. Nothing goes their way. And like a self fulfilling prophecy, it gets worse and worse until it’s all too difficult to pull out.

I too have shared in the bitter pot of depression. Ultimately, the good is known by the bad and the worse you taste depression, the happier you will be if you can pull out of it.

Does your life suck? Well maybe you should be depressed. But what will that get you?

If you just came to learn about why therapists suck, scroll down!

The Reality Behind Depression

If you could see reality as it was, you would not be depressed. Before you is an innumerable array of options.

Hundreds of fascinating love stories, break ups, and even all out wars are happening right before your eyes.

When you are in a bad place, in reality that is a golden moment. An opportunity to grasp one of the millions of options that are in front of you and make a comeback story.

But something is stopping you. Every way you turn you cannot take a step forward. And that only leaves you heading in one direction: reverse.

Because depression, as far as I can tell is one thing: seeing the world through your lens, your vision, your perspective.

You cannot easily lift the vail of your years of deciding how things are in the world.

In reality you could go apply for a hundred jobs tomorrow, you could leave everything and walk across the United States, you could go tell 100 people that you need a dollar. I don’t know. Just think of anything, you could literally just do one of them.

But you have set up walls and they keep you blocked in.

What’s The Best Chess Move?

Life truly is chess on a bigger scale. You have a thousand moves you could make. But there is always one that puts you farther ahead then all the rest.

And if you are depressed, there is only one move that will get you in a better place: CHANGE YOUR PROGRAMMING.

The first move is to recognize that within your own mind you have many walls that keep you from getting ahead. Make a list of the top ten things holding you back and let every single one of them say: IT IS HOW I THINK Of The World

Because if you saw the world closer to reality, you could do so much more. Instead of being scared of what people think, you would recognize that you will be dead in 100 years. Instead of worrying about loosing what your little bubble contains, you would understand the power outside of that bubble.

You could start making yourself a few enemies and that would give you some motivation. Your childhood mind that wandered from one amazing idea to the next could get going again and look at all your options.

Enemies are not just people that hate you. They are people that want what you deserve, and you should figure out how to get it.

Making Your Move In Real Life

It is certainly more difficult than it sounds. But once you recognize your options, you might try something small and then easily go back to your old beliefs, thinking that was just a good day and you were fooled.

WRONG. Every day should be like that. Go back to the chessboard and choose another move.

And if you need to do something big, even something outrageous then do it. People will start responding to you differently, even negatively. Because people don’t like when you are making progress and they cannot control you.

That is super encouraging. If they turn into enemies then use that in your favor.

There is something you need to recognize above all else. A move you need to remember in the face of every enemy. YOU are your greatest enemy. Your own minds walls are what kept you depressed. And your mind has all kinds of things that hold you back.

Your mind, no matter how great your enemy, has the power to change everything, and all it’s suppositions are mostly wrong. You want to see reality as close as you can without positive or negative interference. All your hope and wishing don’t change the facts. Use that to your advantage.

Here’s The Problem With Therapists

If therapy works for you, go for it.

But for me, every therapist I have visited is not trying to help me get out of that negative mental space.

They are trying to make me be okay with being in it.

And nothing makes me madder. Not a single thing.

Therapy is about going back and making the past okay. But the past is gone. Entirely. I agree with the idea of therapy, but it don’t work for me.

Here is what you really need: Think of what action you could have taken in a bad situation you were in, had you known you could have taken it. Take that lesson and run. Let the past go, steal the lesson and run.

But don’t forget the most important lesson you just learned: If you had a more open mind, willing to explore every option without a stuck up identity, you could have made that decisions before.

You are no different now. Yes you have made progress. But religious, cultural, and societal beliefs hold you back from seeing all your options today, just as they did before.

Try changing your entire mind to be more fluent and warlike. Meaning you see more options and believe outside the confines of what you thought was possible before. Depression will flee from you.

Controlled Women

If you are a women and have had it hard, I do sympathize with you!

But I would avoid one thing: blaming men for everything.

Use your power, if it’s being hot, being a women, or whatever it is, use your power and activate your mind.

I don’t want to lecture women or tell them it has not been hard. I am just saying we only have the future and you could wine or you could start making moves on the chessboards of life to put yourself in a very fine situation.

Start making moves that will get you ahead. If there is a disadvantage, look for a way to turn it into an advantage.

Many men would gladly help you, but we have to fend for ourselves too. And I just want to say that the chessboard of power doesn’t have limits. Because you make the rules and you set the limits.

You cannot make the best chess move if you are focused on the immortality of a man controlling you. Look at the world more through a lens of power and possible moves than just morality.

Start making your moves!


Depression can start from the bad environments we were placed in, or we placed ourselves in.

Therapists want to rescue us by making us feel like we “are good enough.”

Reality is a better therapist, if we can see the world as it really is, we then know by making good moves we can put ourselves in a good situation.

Life coaches want to help you find the best move. Therapists want to help you feel good about your life that sucks, or your past.

If you feel gratitude, you have made one good move on the chessboard. That alone will change your mindset to look for more options.

Consistency is more important than a big jump, but do whatever you need to get the ball turned around and rolling in the right direction!

Thank you for reading! You would also enjoy this article titled: My Childhood Age 8: Texas Raid

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