Dark Connections: Pedophilia And Spirituality In The Realm Of Power

I have questions about why we find two things together so often: spirituality and pedophilia? Is that from the devil? Or God? And I don’t even ask that all so jokingly. Because it is far too common that when a spiritual person gains power, some wild stuff happens, and many times not for the better.

How Many Pedophiles Live Today?

Most people assume that they are really good. And perhaps accurately so. But if there is one thing I have learned about good people it is this: They are easily overtaken by spiritual powers. And I promise you that spiritual powers can justify anything.

People who have committed these crimes, who also thrive on power that they more or less do not understand, they don’t have an eloquent explanation. They know what everyone thinks. But I will tell you what, that does not really change their minds. They would probably do it again.

All this to conclude that common people who are put in situations among the powerful, or they somehow attain power, many would do things that they can’t foresee. It truly takes a strong character to see through power, especially in moments of group chemistry. The future is not always predictable and many assume they will be safe, only to find themselves in trouble down the road.

Could You Become A Pedophile?

Do not assume you are above going with the crowd. Or more, a small group of powerful individuals. Because the spiritual world is real, and if you are around a spiritual power enough, wether it is good or evil, it will absorb you.

A crowd is influenced by leaders. And those leaders are going to have a greater influence over you then a crowd.

Sometimes in righteousness there is wickedness. And in wickedness there is righteousness.

The reason I say that is because often where a good person thinks they will find the highest good, there they will have to confront the most evil.

The thing many don’t realize is this: A person really striving for God might end up in places they don’t understand, and for some it is their downfall.

Religious Pedophiles

Why are pedophiles so often religious people and religious leaders? One statistic I looked at said 93% of sex offenders consider themselves religious.

But I am specifically talking about pedophiles.

Many assume that pedophiles are simply using religion to hide. I am going to guess that is the case in many instances.

But from my understanding of this topic, I think that pedophiles are generally highly influenced by a spiritual power.

In other words, religion or spirituality brought them to the justification and sometimes serious belief in having sexual relations with children.

Sound far fetched? I am telling you, the power many describe as God can justify and support these kind of things.

How do I know? Because I have been on a mission to study this spiritual power and why it attends people. And the reason I took such deep interest in this is because of the power I felt in following my dad, and then learning everything he did.

I am saying that my experiments with the spiritual world, my navigation of them has astonished me. Mostly because dark things are there, and most people given power, coupled with treading into the spiritual realm, will misuse it.

And the reason I am interested in this is to avoid such pitfalls in spirituality.

People that think they are far from this evil have the most liability to fall for these things. Because a person that understands this, and I think very few people do, will see how to avoid these pitfalls.

Power And Pedophilia

If you found the top 100 powerful people in the world today, how many would be pedophiles? We probably know some of their names. And most we probably don’t know.

I am going to guess 50% are pedophiles or worse.

You don’t attain that height of power without some serious test of character. But then in those tests of character, some things just seem so right. If you even have a moral compass. But I am more talking about the feeling people have when they do something.

Remember an important fundamental of human nature: We make decisions more often by how we feel than by logic. People who have attained the heights of power, or any power have done so more by logic.

As bad as people in power are, simply give common man these same powers and they would probably do some horrible, atrocious things.

It is not just men. It is women too. When you get to that level, I am not sure it makes that big of a difference what gender you are. I could be wrong. More men are going to get there because they are more aggressive and that is what it takes to get to the top.

But trickled down through the realms of power at all levels are individuals who are overtaken by power.

How Many Good People Are There?

I believe that many of the people at the heights of power are good. But many are evil.

I think in the common people, most are doing good or at least have good intentions.

Am I a good person? I try to be. But I cannot assume that I cannot be influenced into these bad situations.

People assuming they “would never do that” are probably the most likely to do so in a position of power or somewhere unexpected.


Because of the relationship of power, spirituality, and human nature, humans are capable of some dark things. And the chance those go away anytime soon is almost zero.

As humans we should not assume we are way above partaking in these evils. Instead we should be thankful that our paths have awakened us to see how susceptible we are to evil.

Morality is arguable. Hurting others is not. If we take a path to never harm people that are innocent, then I believe we will be on the bright side of history.

Do you really think if society has overwhelmingly concluded that sex with a minor is inappropriate, then some of the other things they do with children these days are appropriate? No way.

And yet much of society thinks if you don’t accept changing up peoples bodies when they are minors is cool. Bloody stuff man. Humanity can fall for dark things.

Thank you for reading! You would also enjoy this article titled God Or Evolution?

I recently started a youtube channel! You may enjoy my first video called: Does God Exist? Seeking The TRUTH

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