Here Is Why You Should NEVER Follow One Man

There is one CEO, one God, one President of the United States, one president of the church. Otherwise you have chaos.

The President of the United States should be accountable to the people. So is every CEO, if money runs out they don’t survive.

But here is the problem with having one man at the head of any religion: They are not accountable by an objective measurement. In business, money is the ultimate measurement. The less of a clear cut rule you have to keep you accountable, the more power a leader wields.

No One Likes Accountability

Especially not leaders who taste power.

The history of nations is riddled with kings overthrowing all accountability. And that is exactly what leads to their downfall.

Business skeletons are littered with the exact same stories. An unexperienced leader wants full control and after awhile they sink the ship.

Religion is no different. Religious history is filled with the exact same stories. Think of religious leaders who gained absolute power. Did it end very good? How many wars were fought over this? Thousands.

This is not isolated to any individual story. It is a law of human nature. We humans hate being accountable. And the more power people taste, the less they want anything to do with answering to anyone.

Extreme Danger: Religious Unaccountability

Unaccountability in businesses, money runs you out of power.

In democracy, people vote you out, if it is a real democracy.

And in an autocracy, leaders generally rid themselves of all accountability, which, in almost every instance, they destroy themselves and their people. There is hardly an exception.

But in religion, the leader is accountable only to God, at least after he rids himself of accountability. Possibly through his own cunning, or through his justification by God. And God can justify anything.

Because of the emotional, spiritual, and physical make up of the human biology, so captivating can religion be, that even the leader justifies their own indulgent desires through a lens of moral superiority.

If a people truly believe they are fighting for God, a spiritual power accompanies them. Any given group assumes that power only accompanies them. But they are wrong. It may be the case that such a spiritual feeling is more powerful in particular groups, but when tensions get heightened, the powerful feeling equally increases and often gives people a feeling they are willing to die for.

Religion Is Power

A successful business is closer to a religion, at least to those who operate it as well as it’s customers.

Space is more like Elon Musks religion. The closer a person makes the work they do borderline religious, the more likely they are to be successful.

You might assume we live in a world of modern logic and science. But we don’t.

Everyone makes decisions based on how they feel, coupled with their view of morality and their physical possibility.

Everyone Needs A Leader

People love a savior. It is not simply physical reality. It is spiritual and emotional.

And if a man can convince people that he is their savior, he has power over them.

You can see this in religion, politics, and cultural leaders like singers and influencers.

The more you are people’s savior, the more power you wield over them and the more they will blindly follow you.

The more emotional and spiritual you make people feel, the more loyal they become.

And it gets to where people will die for you and follow you blindly. It can be a beautiful thing. It can be horribly ugly. And generally ends like a love story: Really good or really bad.

Never Follow One Man

God gave you a mind. For God’s sake and your own sake use it to reason out and logically assess your own tendencies to follow your emotions even down paths that will destroy you.

If you follow a man, make sure you have entirely considered the other point of view. Understand how extremely biased your emotions and spiritual experiences are. And just because they feel so good does not mean they are right.

People have sex with minors, kill people, kick out family, hurt themselves and suffer all because of the powerful spiritual experience that cannot be explained.

It is so important that you understand your bias, and the power of the emotional and spiritual. Good people really can do bad things my friends.

It is such a unique experience to have a powerful spiritual experience about something, and then experience an equally powerful spiritual experience about the exact opposite position.


Understand that many of the things you revolt against in your feelings, given the correct adversity and experience, you could feel entirely opposite some day. And when that day comes, remember your former position and maintain the possibility of change when you see a better path.

Never follow a man that has no accountability. By God, if you see a man ridding himself of all accountability, understand that you should be more aware than ever. All of history points to his destruction and the destruction those that follow him, or at least the organization and beliefs.

It is in both mine and your nature to rid ourselves of accountability. That may work in business because the results will hold us accountable.

But in religion and politics we need accountability for our own success. History says leaders who rid themselves of accountability will harm themselves and work to their own destruction as well as those that follow them. And by that point they can never see it!

Thank you for reading! You would also enjoy this article titled: Inside The Fascinating Mind Of Warren Jeffs

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