It Is Evil To Have Too Kind Of A Heart

No one cares about you. They don’t. And perhaps that is because they care about themselves.

It sounds mean, but it is true. It sounds wrong, but it is right.

Jesus said if you can’t turn one talent into two talents he would take your talent and leave you with zero. That is right, ZERO. And you can’t turn one talent into two talents if your heart is too kind.

Why You Should Be Your #1 Priority

Because if you don’t take care of yourself then someone else has too. Your money. Your health. Your enjoyment. Your food. Your relationships.

Damn it, are you going to care about others so much that you are left with nothing and end up having to suck of everyone else when you are in a tight spot?

You should absolutely be your number one priority. If you care anything about anyone else in the world at all, you have to come first.

The minute you put someone else before yourself, you begin to become a hindrance to society and you burden everyone around you.

It sounds great to help others first, but in real life it just damages everyone. You can’t give what you don’t have.

Saying No Is So Kind

How many times should the answer be no and you said yes?

You know when you should say NOOO but instead say yes and then everything does’t work out like it should have and you are exhausted. Damn it say no.

Just say no. Say noo noo noo fuck no and your life will get better.

People absolutely hate how you always say yes. They act like it is cool. Say no and watch the respect go up. Say no and watch how it makes the yes’s you do give get way better.

If you don’t have the energy, say no. If you don’t have the money say no. If you don’t have the time say no. If it hurts your peace of mind say no.

Being Selfish Is The Most Unselfish

If a man always gives his extra away, he will never have wealth.

Instead if he only gives a small portion and builds wealth, that portion will grow and grow until it his small portion gets to be huge.

When I was in the FLDS I always thought it made sense to tell people to only give a small percent of their money for tithing and then let people become wealthy. Over time that small percent would grow and grow for every person. Obviously my dad would disagree. Dad didn’t understand that the more his guys gave, the less they would be able to give.

Be more selfish if you truly want to be able to help other people.

Evil Is Having Too Kind Of A Heart

Many men have approached the world with the assumption that everyone had a good heart. WRONG

It is evil for a man to not protect what he is blessed with. You should fight like hell for yourself if you want to be able to do any good in the world.

Nikola Tesla, one of Gods greatest gifts to the world, died a poor man because he had too good of a heart. I love his work, but it’s a sad story.

Remember God does not have too kind of a heart. God fights really hard for himself. God gets upset if you steal from him. You should too.

When you give someone something they did not work for then you are telling them that you really hate them and wish they would not succeed in life. They will get rid of it faster than they said thank you.

When the government gives people welfare it is usually because they hate them and want them to rely on the government.

Because people only do what they have to. And if all they have to do is sit around, they sit around. Nothing kills people faster than giving them everything they want.

Nobody Owes You Anything

Not a cent. You are on your own. We live in a world where it seems like you can call for help whenever you need it.

But the truth is everything has a cost. And that means if you ask for something, you better be ready to give up something. You will find out people are not too kind after all.

The minute you think you got something free, the cost will come knocking. And it will knock your door down in some form or another, health, money, relationships, your future potential, peace of mind, or whatever else it might be.


According to Jesus and the stories in the bible, you should really fight for yourself.

If you don’t have time say NO,

If you don’t have money say NO,

If you want to please other people say NO,

If you want to commit the evil of making everyone have to support you then just say yes to everything.

If you want to help others and actually have a kind heart, start by being a little mean and say no more often.

Saying no more often then yes is a big W. Kind hearts can kill people, just like Gods heart has killed many. Saying no will give you the ability to give some awesome yes’s.

Thank you for reading! You would enjoy this article titled: Success Is Your Only Option

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