What Does It Take To Win? The Art Of Winning

In life, winners are rewarded with money, attention, women, and most importantly options. Today I am asking myself what it takes to be a winner!

Some assume there is humility in loosing. But I have not seen any virtue in it. It pays to win. And it costs to lose.

There is a certain kind of inward power that transcends all other inspiration. When you see it, hear it, and feel it, an overwhelming joy fills you. And when you live it you will inevitably be happier than any luxury could satisfy. It is when you see someone fail time and time and time again and they just won’t stop. They just keep going. And then win!

I love seeing it. If you do that you are a winner.

Stay Hungry

When Tom Brady was asked which of his Super Bowl rings he liked most he said, “The Next One.” That is a perfect example of staying hungry.

The second we don’t feel a deep desire to win whatever we have been striving for, it starts slipping.

When I am hungry, I am happy. It may not be the most euphoric state, but it feels good. You can get a good dopamine hit from food, sex, a nice house. But it won’t last like staying hungry.

Never Give Up

When David Goggins decided to become a navy seal, he was over 300 pounds. He had to get down to 190 pounds in three months to qualify for the seals. And he did.

He went through seal training hell week twice and lost. Injuries kept him from making it through. But he went back and did it the third time.

Goggins broke his ankle at times and would tape it up and keep going.

If you have not read “Can’t Hurt Me” go get it.

The moment we give up we lost. But if you lose once, just try again and again and again. Winners never give up.

Just keep on trying!

After you prove yourself in those hard struggles, the universe, God, and the devil will conspire to make sure you win.

Win Or Learn

The boy in The Alchemist was searching for his treasure. He traveled and worked different jobs, trying to find his path. But he did not allow himself to get stuck in an old routine job for years. So he would move on until he found his treasure.

There are times we try something but we soon find it is not what or where we should be.

Winners understand that if they need to give up on something, it was simply a guide to what they should be doing in life. It shows us what we should not be doing.

That narrows our path to finding our treasure.

Winners don’t wine about losing. They move along and get back to winning. But even more, they analyze their mistakes and look for how to improve.

No one got anywhere stuck in the mud. But the ones who enjoyed fighting their way out got back to winning a lot faster.

Win or learn and move along! Time don’t pause. But you can, only long enough to get back on the path to your treasure.

Consistency And Compound Interest

When Warren Buffet started investing in his teens, he still had over 40 years to go before he became one of the greatest stories of consistency and compound interest, making him worth over 80 billion!

The penny doubled for 30 days is still one of my favorite illustrations of compound interest. By day 10 it is only $5.12, day 15 it is only $655.36, day 20 $5,242.88. By day 23 $41,943.04. This is where all the hard work starts paying off. Day 27 $671,088.64, but that still is not a million. And then day 30 $5,368,709.12.

Winners don’t give up on day 10 or 15. When it really starts feeling long on day 20 they just keep going. And then wam bam everything gets really damn good.

The truth is, every day you were making an equal amount of progress. And it did not seem like much until it all the sudden does.

That is when they call you lucky!

Stay at it. The reason why most people give up is they do not realize they made as much progress today as they will when it is really damn good. So day 10 when you only have $5.12 then just keep on rolling. You are 1/3 the way to it being really damn good!

Avoid Catastrophe

Failure is the path to success. But we need to think about it just enough to avoid catastrophe.

Winners focus on winning. But they also focus on avoiding mistakes that are too big to come back from.

Even if we fail big, get up and keep rolling! But so many big failures can be avoided through some insight.

There are millions of stories of failure. Why don’t you know them right of? Because it pays to win.


Winners always stay hungry, keep their eye on the prize. It excites them everyday.

And when things get tough they keep on fighting. They fight harder and harder until they win.

Consistency and compound interest are the secret weapons winners deploy every single day! Time becomes your friend when every day things get exponentially better!

Winners know that the math will back them up. Consistency today for a tiny result is as important as a few years from now for a big result!

Winners read and study so they can avoid making a mistake they can’t come back from. But when they do fail they jump back up, get back on track and keep running! And never ever give up!

You are a winner! Never think anything else. You have to win. You will win. Todays little efforts is tomorrows big time win!

Remember you are a winner. Always. Lets go win!

Thank you for reading! You would enjoy this post titled Success Is Your Only Option!

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