Author: Jaden Jeffs
What Is Our Life Mission?
One of the most consequential questions we could ask: what is our life mission? Why are we here? What is our purpose? This changes what we do in religion, work, family, and how we go about our day to day lives. I am writing this article to ask questions of…
Cash is King
There is one foundation for any success: economy. And I am interested in people that make it big. From prominent individuals to big corporations or religions, they all have got their cash flowing. For the simple reason that I am interested in it, I decided to add it as a…
Finding A New Life
It has not been long since I decided to leave the flds religion entirely, about one year ago as of February 2024. I considered leaving 3 years ago and acted somewhat but was having a very difficult time letting go. Today I have many things I am still trying to…
Journey to Godhood: A Reflection On Childhood Aspirations
From my earliest childhood, I was taught a lofty belief: that if I conducted myself appropriately, I would become a God. Now, 25 years later, I find myself questioning whether to maintain this goal or abandon it. Why wouldn’t one give their all in such an aspiring goal? What sacrifices…
What Is A Cult?
How cultish are you and me? How do you know if you are in a cult or not? When you walk into a store with and group of women in prairie dresses, you get very curious looks. Dad would say, “We are the normal ones.” “You guys are in a…
My Early Childhood In the FLDS: Age 1-5
I was born in Sandy, Utah to Warren Jeffs and Monica Jessop. When 4 months old my parents moved to Hildale, Utah because the judgments were coming. My childhood was just beginning. It’s the age of innocence, you and me were both innocent in our early years, and our perception…
Nothing Matters
All is nothingness, or all is everything. Can it be both? Or does nothing matter? You have to get so much work done tomorrow? It doesn’t matter. You have bills to pay? It doesn’t matter. You have 100M in your account? It doesn’t fucking matter. Whatever the circumstances are, face…