Category: Life Mission

  • Death Sentence of Certainty: When Religion Stalls Our Growth

    Death Sentence of Certainty: When Religion Stalls Our Growth

    “Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.” – Napoleon Bonaparte. We think we have time. Yes many will die early. But us? We think we have 40 or 50 or 100 years. It is not that you don’t have 50 or 70 years. But…

  • The Truth About Depression And Therapists

    The Truth About Depression And Therapists

    Depression is the cause of suicide, overdoses, and a bunch of people frowning big as you walk into the grocery store. From a depressed persons mind the world is dark and embittering. Nothing goes their way. And like a self fulfilling prophecy, it gets worse and worse until it’s all…

  • Dark Days: When Killing Seems Like The Answer

    Dark Days: When Killing Seems Like The Answer

    Man, sometimes I have dark feelings. And I know you do too. Love is good, but darkness is far more extreme. Love is blind and darkness more. Today I am going to talk about some personal struggles with darkness. Do you want to be a virgin forever or try out…

  • Go Ahead And Make The Wrong Decision

    Go Ahead And Make The Wrong Decision

    Too much of my time is spent on indecision. The more decisive I have become, the more my life has improved. If you are at a fork in the road and have done all the research you can it’s time to start driving, even if you are going in the…

  • Communion With Satan: Here Is The Terrifying Truth

    Communion With Satan: Here Is The Terrifying Truth

    Such a title “Communion with Satan” will revolt many people. But this article will tell you why that is the case. And I will show you that your unwillingness to talk to Satan will lead to his control over you. Because your unwillingness to investigate a subject, your determination to…

  • Can You Live Free? The Difficulty Of Being Yourself

    Can You Live Free? The Difficulty Of Being Yourself

    Can you genuinely express love when you feel it? Or are you reserved and shy about it? Anger? How do you express that to those who you feel riled towards? Or do you bottle it up and smash it down? Do you feel pressure when walking in front of a…

  • Why Do xFLDS Feel So Lonely? This Feels Like Death

    Why Do xFLDS Feel So Lonely? This Feels Like Death

    Loneliness is not about being alone. It is about feeling alone. Feeling misunderstood. And I am afraid that most x FLDS that are under 30 feel lonely. I used to wonder if it was more the boys that feel that way. But the more I have watched I think it…

  • Only One Escape: Face Your Shadow

    Only One Escape: Face Your Shadow

    Deep within every person is a shadow of evil. A secret fascination with darkness. Why do you like true crime stories or gossiping about your neighbors wife’s secret affair? You may not want to admit it to yourself, but it is fascinating to you. You want more of it. But…

  • Father’s Day: A Farewell Gift

    Father’s Day: A Farewell Gift

    Today millions of people are celebrating their fathers. Some have no father. And some have bad fathers. I have not written to my dad in over a year. But I decided to send him a farewell letter. I never expect to communicate with him again unless he sends me some…

  • What Does It Take To Win? The Art Of Winning

    What Does It Take To Win? The Art Of Winning

    In life, winners are rewarded with money, attention, women, and most importantly options. Today I am asking myself what it takes to be a winner! Some assume there is humility in loosing. But I have not seen any virtue in it. It pays to win. And it costs to lose.…